
Do you have pain somewhere , and considering you for massage may be something for you ?

Here is a list of some of the problems we often help our clients in the clinic, to sporting events and at work.

  • Headaches:  may be caused by many things. Tension, dehydration , hormonal imbalances, diet. Read what you can do yourself here!
  • Neck pain : strong > Coming from often of sitting work, but can also be caused by trauma like whiplash , arthritis , cold, etc. . Learn exercises to loosen up here!
  • team in the neck : < / strong > Hangs often associated with neck and shoulder tension . And especially improper posture are a typical cause. Read more here
  • Shoulder Pain : < / strong > It can be injuries from sports and exercise , but most clients will have shoulder problems due to monotonous tasks such as office work. It may typsik easily be addressed. Here’s what you can do yourself !
  • Frozen shoulder : < / strong > is often just talk about shoulder tension that pinch the nerves, and if so massage can be an excellent means to get rid of the pain. See what we’re doing here!
  • Sleeping fingers : < / strong > There is often talk about nerves being pinched at the back of the shoulder blade . The treatment is similar to the massage we give to frozen shoulder .
  • mouse arm : < / strong > Coming often because of the continued strain muscles in your forearms are exposed to when to press a lot and if the working position is not correct . We work with trigger points during the massage , but there are also tips on what you can do yourself !
  • Tennis Elbow : < / strong > Again an overload damage. Typically provide pain at the elbow . Can be treated with massage and acupuncture
  • Golf Elbow : < / strong > The same problem as tennis elbow , but on the other side of the elbow. Can get rid of several overloads. Here’s what you should be aware of :
  • Pain behind the shoulder blades : < / strong > One of the most classical problems clients come with . Often comes from the work of sitting in front of the screen, but , for example, lift the child and improper posture can play a role. See how to get geared up!
  • Back pain : < / strong > General back pain can be caused by many things. It can be congenital anomalies improper posture , too tight muscles at the back of the body, posture , injuries mm . Learn how massage and stretching helps!
  • Sore lower back : < / strong > can in some cases result protusion or even herniated disk, but in most cases there is talk about the pain caused by tight muscles, poor posture and incorrect movements. Read how buttocks and lower back pain are often linked here!
  • Sciatica pain : < / strong > Tribes often from tight glutes which pinch the sciatic nerve . Our experience is that stretching and deep massage can eliminate the worst symptoms . See our bale press here!
  • Brilliant pain into the buttock and down the leg : < / strong > As sciatica . Tribes often from compression of nerves in the buttocks and thighs .
  • Pain in leg : < / strong > Often the running season with marathon and triathlon feed the running gear at most. many stepped up training too quickly and therefore experience tension and pain . We help with stretching and deep massage . Find out here !
  • Ben who sleep : < / strong > Can partly due to hard and tight muscles , but also stems from sometimes iskiasproblematikker . We help you with a TFAA loosened up the muscles and tight connective tissue.
  • Groin Pain : < / strong > One of the more typical sports markets, especially in football and other sports where there are explosive exertion . Often emerge due to inadequate heating and absence of extent. Read more about groin injuries here!
  • Fiber Blasting : < / strong > can be big and small, and provide everything from a small aches to severe pain . Arise for example when the tissue has been overloaded for a long time . But even more typically occurs when the muscles are exposed to fast for explosive movements without being properly heat or stretched . How do you relate to your fibersprængning
  • runner’s knee : < / strong >
  • Jumper:
  • Shin Inflammation:
  • Sore akillesene : < / strong >
  • stitches put : < / strong >
  • Cramps :